I'm thrilled to finally share some living, breathing artmusic with you... Even though it's not actually being 'released' until Wednesday March 6th, you guys are so special to this project and what I'm able to create, so you're getting a sneak peek because this is like a teaser for what ArtMusic is all about...
As promised, you'll get a FREE download of this song! Head to THIS LINK and sign up for my 'Playlist' (aka Mailing List) and you'll be getting the song sent out to you on Friday.
As you know, being a self funded independent artist means IT TAKES A VILLAGE... And you guys ARE my village with all of your legendary support so far... So there's a couple of simple ways you can help me out with this video and the whole Youtube thing...
I can't wait to share all the extras about how I created this video (on iMovie!) and other stories about the song over the coming weeks - but for now - I'd just like to invite you to sit back, watch and listen to my song, FIRE...
PS. Make sure you're following my instagram and facebook pages as I've got a giveaway happening next week as a little celebration.
Updates to begin streaming in flow... we rolling now!!
August 26, 2020